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@deatabase StereoProjection
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Stereoscopic projection is the technique of creating two different
projectsion of the same scene such that one is viewed with the left
eye, and the other is viewed with the right eye. This technology is far
from new. It has been used for more that a century to create the
illusion of 3D from two 2D pictures. It has been used in everything
from children's toys to horror films. The question is often brought up
in the many graphics programming related Usnet news groups, "How does it
work?" I will make an attempt to answer this question in a way that
will be both clear and useful.
@{b}Physics of the Eyes@{ub}
Nearly every human being is equiped with two eyes. They are
generally placed about 650 mm apart. Each eye, therefore, will have a
slightly different view of its surroundings. The brain uses this
difference to gauge distance. For example, @{ "figure 1" system "display Articles/Stereo/figure1.ilbm" } shows that an
individual object is at a different location in each eye's field of
vision. While it is not totally understood how the brain does it, it is
known that the difference between the two images is used to gauge depth.
It is also know that a stereo pair does more to give the impression of
depth than color cueing and size cueing put together.
@{b}Mathematics of Projection@{ub}
When a point is projected from 3D to 2D, it is essentially mapped
from a truncated-pyramidal volume to a rectangular plane, as shown in
@{ "figure 2a" system "display Articles/Stereo/figure2.ilbm" }. The is done as though the camera points is at the crest of
the pyramid. This is simple enough to do, and can be done using two
multiplies, two adds, and two divides. To create a stereo display, a
point needs to be projected twice: once for each eye. It the eyes are
a distance X apart, then we can model them as being at a distance of X/2
on either side of the original camera point, as shown in @{ "figure 2b" system "display Articles/Stereo/figure2.ilbm" }. For
a given point to be correctly projected for a given eye, it must first
be transformed to that eye's view space. Using simple geometry, it can
be seen that this is done by moving the point towards the other eye by a
distance of X/2. @{"Figures 3a and 3b" system "display Articles/Stereo/figure3.ilbm" } show the left and right eye images
generated using this method.
@{b}Stereo Hardware@{ub}
Due to the fact that, when using stereoscopic projection, each eye
needs to see a different image, some sort of special display hardware is
needed. Typical hardware ranges from the very cheep to the very very
expensive. At the low-end, there is either red-green or red-blue
filtering. This method involves covering one eye with a red filter and
the other with either a green or a blue filter. On the screen, both
images are displayed, but the image for the red-filter-eye is drawn in
blue (or green), and the image for the blue-filter-eye is drawn in red.
This way the lenses will prevent either eye from seeing the other eye's
image. The method has a number of drawbacks, the most important one
being that you can only use ``gray scale'' display. That is, you get
one hue that can vary intensities.
Another method, that is a bit more expensive and can be dangerous,
is the use of shutter glasses. Anyone who owned a Sega Master System in
the 80's know what this device is. The general pricipal behind it is
that one eye is covered while the other eye's image is displayed. The
obvious advantages to this method are that all available colors of the
display can be used and that each point doesn't need to be projected
twice pre frame, as with the red-green filters. While this may seem to
be a very good sollution, it has its drawbacks. First of all, some sort
of device needs to be available to sync the shutters with the video
display. The SMS had one built in, but the Amiga does not, so some sort
of adapter would need to be built. Typical PC adapters connect to the
sierial port. The other problem is that there is some risk involved in
having small pieces of plastic spinning at 60Hz less than four centemeters
from a persons eyes!
The other popular device is by far the most expensive, costing from
$500US to $10,000US, and most complex to interface. This device is the
head mounted display. HMD's generally contain two small LCD monitors,
on which each eye's image is displayed. In this case some problems are
solved, but others are introduced. The biggest problems, other than the
prohibitive cost, are that the resolution and color capabilities of
LCD's are very low. The display pitch of a typical LCD is so bad, that
the user would be legally blind. The other problem is that, even the
lightest HMD's, are very heavy to have on one's head for an extended
period of time. The final issues are that two complete images need to
be generated every frame and some sort of Zorro II or Zorro III card
would be needed to interface a HMD to an Amiga.
@{b}How Sweet It Is@{ub}
In spite of all its drawbacks, stereoscopic projection can new depth
to nearly any 3D display. The example program shows how effective
stereoscopic projection can be, even with just the red-green glasses
method. When used with position tracking and a head mounted display,
stereoscopic projection can be used to create a very realistic, very
submersive, 3D environment.
In the directory @{b}:Source/Articles/StereoScopic@{ub} I have included a
demonstration program, called @{b}stereo.lha@{ub}, that shows simple stereoscopic
projection. The file @{b}SegaGlasses.lha@{ub} describes how to interface
a pair of Sega shutter glasses to a PC. The other file, @{b}images.lha@{ub}
contains several red-green images that show both how effective and how
lacking this technique can be.
@node Bibliography
Aukstakalis S. and Blatner D. 1992. @{b}Silicon Mirage: The Art and
Science of Virtual Reality@{ub}, Peachpit Press, Inc., Berkeley,
Foley, J. D. and A. van Dam, et. al. 1990. @{b}Computer Graphics
Principles and Practice@{ub}, Addicon-Wesley, Reading, MA.